Convert ovpn file to inline format (all in one ovpn client config file)

Convert ovpn file to inline format (all in one ovpn client config file)

By devin, 22 October, 2015

Whenever I use openvpn I'm stuck carting around 5 files, sending them over Bluetooth and cluttering up my phone's downloads directory or confusing people I'm setting up with openvpn

I decided finally to figure out inline openvpn client config files. I made this sed script/command that will automate the process. Imagine that the following five correctly configured openvpn files are in my current directory, with the openvpn file referencing the others:

  • devin.ovpn
  • ca.crt
  • devin.crt
  • devin.key
  • ta.key
sed -i "${1}.ovpn" -e '
	/ca ca.crt/ {
	r ca.crt
}' -e "
	/cert devin.crt/ {
	r ${1}.crt
}" -e "
	/key devin.key/ {
	r ${1}.key
}" -e '
	/tls-auth ta.key 1/ {
	a\key-direction 1
	r ta.key


And blam, your file will be all in one.

Here's a rundown on the flags and commands I used in this code:

  • -i: edit the named file in place. I omitted the suffix; you can do -i'.sed' filename to create a sort of working copy called filename.sed
  • -e: pass the quoted expression to sed
  • a\: append the line to the output. On OS/X you need to put the a\ on its own line above the line you want to append, but on Linux this format works. You can do multiple lines by using \ but I didn't bother
  • r: append the contents of the named file to the output. Handy!
  • d: delete the "pattern space"


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