Content from 2016

By devin, 27 July, 2016

Tmux is a great application with a few super-cool uses. You can get really deep into configuring it, but I tend to use the default options so that I can install it and start using it on any machine and get a similar experience. Here are a few of my favourite uses:

Persistent ssh sessions

This is far and away the best use of tmux. I typically use mosh to make sure my ssh sessions don't crash.

By devin, 10 January, 2016

This is a script to allow quick gitlab merge requests on the cli.

If you create a new branch, commit it, and then runĀ gitlab-mr my new merge request, then a merge request will be created on the appropriate project from the current branch into the develop branch, with title "my new merge request".

There are additional command line options to specify a markdown description, using cat and Ctrl+D to enter the input.